Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Cpf1: A New Member of the CRISPR Family

     The subject of genome editing has been an increasingly important one in recent years. The possibility of editing the genomes of organisms provides scientists and genetic engineers seemingly endless opportunities.  By using enzymes to cut DNA, remove potentially harmful genes, and insert new ones, scientists have the ability to edit genomes at a whim. With the constant discovery of new systems there are more and more possibilities every day.

     The recent discovery of a new system, CRISPR Cpf1, that is far superior to many previously known methods of editing, promises even more advances.

     Applying this technology to embryos has shown promise that in the future we may be able to delete harmful genes in organisms. Any change in the genome of early cells in an embryo carries over to all later cells produced by the altered ones, and an alteration of regulatory genes may prevent potential issues during embryonic development by silencing defective genes. CRISPR systems are perhaps one of the most promising of these new methods of genomic editing.

     CRISPR associated proteins are found in bacteria, as a defense against viral attack. They cut DNA, rendering the virus ineffective. The most well-known CRISPR system, Cas9, was discovered several years ago, and has advanced genomic editing by leaps and bounds. It is relatively easy to work with, and it cuts DNA extremely effectively. The CRISPR proteins are guided to a sequence on the DNA by an RNA guide, where it then cuts the DNA. If used properly specific genes can be excised, or even added in theory. Since its discovery, the Cas9 system has been deemed as one of the best ways to edit genes. That is, until the recent discovery of another CRISPR system; Cpf1.

     The activity of Cpf1 was discovered by a team that consisted of the same scientist who led the team that discovered Cas9 a few years ago. Feng Zhang and his team plans on making their research easily obtainable for any other labs that wish to further study this new system, with the hope that more labs will help to advance this new technology.

     Cpf1 works in basically the same way as Cas9, but since it is a different protein it does differ in several ways. Like Cas9, Cpf1 requires an RNA guide to direct it to the point which it can cut the DNA. However, the guide for Cpf1 is much simpler than that of Cas9, meaning that it is easier to work with in the lab. Cpf1 also differs from Cas9 in that it cuts the DNA in a way that leaves staggered “sticky ends” that allow for easy joining of DNA after the excision. Cas9 simply cuts straight across DNA, leaving blunt ends that are prone to mutation.

     While both of these CRISPR systems are bacterial defenses, tests have proven that they are both effective in mammalian cells to some degree. Testing on human embryonic kidney cells shows that while not all proteins in the Cpf1 family are effective there, several of them are, at least more than the Cas9 family.

     Imagine a world where disorders and developmental problems could be turned off at the embryonic stage. That is the world that we may be heading toward as research in genomic editing continues forward. At the moment it is editing human genes is, for the most part, still distant science fiction, but with every new system discovered the potential for that kind of future grows nearer.

     Going forward, the possibilities are endless. Cpf1 promises to provide as large a revolution as its predecessor, Cas9, did in the earlier 2010’s. It gives scientists much more flexibility as to where they can cut the DNA, and what they can do with it after. By no means is Cpf1 the last system of genomic editing that will be discovered either. More and more research is focusing on this field, and there will almost definitely be more advances in the years to come.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is very interesting, as this is apparently so new that my article did not even mention it. One of the greatest problems mentioned in my article was the susceptibility of mutations, and since this results in a much lower rate of mutations , I can see this becoming the new Cas9. Another problem mentioned was the unintended cuts that the complex could make, as this could again result in even more mutations. This may no longer be as much of a problem with the use of Cpf1.

  3. It is interesting to read more about Cpf1, since we also discussed this new discovery in genetics class. The potential that this new editing system has is endless. I also heard of another advancement made with the CRISPR in which it can now cleave RNA sequences as well. It is exciting to see new advancements being made and I am interested to see which new therapies with this technology will be implemented first in humans.

  4. The modifications that CRISPR has in terms of gene editing is truly manifesting itself in new research studies. These articles surrounding the family of CRISPR and Cas9 have been the hot topic of a lot of new discoveries. These discoveries have led to a plethora of new advancements such as the development of gene-editing technique to modify plant genomes while evading national biosafety regulations. Cpf1 will benefit all of society in terms of turning off potential harmful genes in the genome and this system seems to have limitless capabilities. I'm just curious to see what the new genomic editing systems will look like after Cpf1, because of how efficient this mechanism seems to be.

  5. I've lived on a farm my entire life, it has been in the family since 1866, and I am always interested in the developments of genomic editing. One of my concerns is that these new genomic editing practices will become prevalent among bigger, corporate farms and they will soon be able to produce cattle and crops more efficiently than us smaller family owned farms. I think although Cpf1 may make large strides in the fields of medicine it should stay out of the field of agriculture all together.

  6. This is a very interesting article. This is the first that I have heard of the CRISPR Cpf1. I think this will have more application for the insertion of genes into the genome than the Cas9 because of the sticky ends and how much easier it is for DNA to bind to Sticky ends as opposed to blunt ends. With this new discovery I think it increases the need for discussions on the ethics of this technology. I could for see this technology helping the human race greatly by helping to be able to cut out genetic diseases but I could also see some people trying to do bad things with it like trying to create super soldiers. Overall I think this technology needs to be controlled tightly so it is only used for good.
