Friday, October 9, 2015

CRISPR-Cas9: Editing and Engineering the Blueprints of Life

Every cell in our body contains a copy of our genome.  From this single blueprint, differential gene expression allows for a variety of structures and functions.  DNA consists of two strands of nucleotides twisted into a double helix and held together by a simple pairing rule.  Genes shape who we are individually and as a species.  Genes also have profound effects on our health.  Some genes can specifically influence our risk for disease.  In order to understand the role of different genes, we need a way to control and manipulate them, and further observe the effects of these changes.
Such control and manipulation is not an easy feat.  Recently, a new method, CRISPR-Cas9, has dramatically improved our ability to edit DNA.

Compared to past gene editing techniques, such as ZFNS or TALENs, CRISPR-Cas9 uses RNA sequences instead of proteins to target the DNA, making this technique more efficient (Rath et al. 2015).  RNA is smaller, making it less challenging to infect cells and associate with DNA.  Synthesizing RNA is also easier and less expensive than synthesizing peptides.
The CRISPR method is based on a natural system used by bacteria to protect themselves from infection by viruses (Rath et al. 2015).  When the bacterium detects the presence of virus DNA, it produces two types of short RNA, one of which contains a sequence that matches that of the virus DNA.  These two RNAs form a complex with a protein called cas-9.  Cas-9 is a nuclease, a type of enzyme that can cut DNA.  When the matching sequence, or guide RNA, finds its target on the virus DNA, the cas-9 cuts the target DNA, disabling the virus.
Researchers studying the system discovered cas-9 and its associated components could be engineered to cut any DNA, not just viral DNA, by changing the guide RNA to match a desired target.  Further, the method can be introduced within the nucleus of a living cell.  Once inside the nucleus, the cas-9 complex locks onto a short sequence of the DNA known as the PAM.  Cas-9 nuclease unzips the DNA and matches it to the target RNA.  If the match is complete, the cas-9 cuts the DNA.  When this happens, the cell tries to repair the cut.  This repair process is prone to error and usually leads to mutation that can disable the gene.  Researchers can then observe and study the effect in the cell and to the organism in order to understand the function of the disabled gene. The mutant gene, or cut segment of DNA, can be replaced with other genes to modify functions in the cell and organism as well.

The CRISPR-Cas9 system has a slight drawback in that it can only make cuts when adjacent to PAM sequences in the DNA.  The PAM sequence is a 3 amino acid sequence, NGG (Mussolino et al. 2011).  N can be any of the nucleic acids followed by two guanines.  Luckily, this is a common sequence in most DNA.  The other concern, as with all genome editing technology, is off-target effects.  So far, CRISPR-Cas9 seems to have relatively few off-target effects.
            The CRISPR-Cas9 method can be performed not only in test tubes, but also in living organisms.  The method can be used to target many genes, or sequences, at once, allowing for multiple mutations at a time.  Such multiplicity is beneficial when studying diseases that work by targeting many genes at once.  Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 include mutating, silencing, and over-activating genes.
Genome engineering can also control cellular metabolism for enhanced productivity of chemicals, fuels, and even medicines.  In a demonstration of this potential, Li et al. recently published a study describing their development of a CRISPR-Cas9 based method for repetitive genome editing and metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli.  The bacterium was used for integration of a β-carotene synthetic pathway, resulting in overproduction of this beneficial compound.  β-carotene is a safe source of vitamin A and an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of lung cancer for non-smokers and slow cognitive decline.
The study embodies a successful application of metabolic engineering, as Li et al. achieved 100% editing efficiency while introducing three mutations at a time.  The mutations advanced the β-carotene, methylerythritol phosphate, and central metabolic pathways simultaneously.  The short editing cycle of two days also adds to their method’s efficiency.
Other applications of CRISPR-Cas9 include basic research, drug development, agriculture, and hopefully treating human patients with genetic disease.  Therapeutic genome editing comes with both prospects and challenges.  A shadow of fear is cast over the potential benefits of this technology.  Many are weary of an eventual manipulation of genomes for the creation of transgenic humans.  As with all great scientific discoveries, CRISPR-Cas9 will require great responsibility.  Sound ethical and moral principles will help navigate the use of this technology.

Hess, Terry.  CRISPR/Cas9 Mice Model Service.  12 January 2015.  <> (image credit)

Li, Y., Z. Lin, C. Huang, Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, Y. Tang, T. Chen, and X. Zhao.  2015.  Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli using CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genome editing.  Metabolic Engineering 31: 13-21.
Mussolino, C., R. Morbitzer, F. Lütge, N. Dannemann, T. Lahave, and T. Cathomen.  2011. A novel TALE nuclease scaffold enables high genome editing activity in combination with low toxicity.  Nucleic Acids Res 39: 9283-9293. 
Rath, D., L. Amlinger, A. Rath, and M. Lundgren.  2015.  The CRISPR-Cas immune system: Biology, mechanisms and applications.  Biochimie 117: 119-128.


  1. I recently read a study in which scientists found a different version of Cas9 in the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, called Cpf1. Cas9 cuts the DNA of both strands in the same position, so that it has what are called blunt ends. Cpf1 cuts the DNA of both strands so that one strand is longer than the other, and this uneven cut creates sticky ends. These sticky ends allow for the insertion of bases into DNA to be even easier! Also, there are now new proteins that have been discovered in Cas9 enzymes that allow for RNA to also be cleaved. Both of these advances just show how this CRISPR system is such a growing field and its uses in the future for the variety of purposes it can have are intriguing!

  2. I am constantly hearing about advances in CRISPR technology. We have talked about it many times in my Genetics class. This field is very popular due to the many possible applications of the technique. While editing the genome can help many different problems such as health, there is a lot of controversy over this topic. Many people do not believe that we should be editing the genome and that we should leave it the way it is. I completely agree that we need to use morals and ethics when using this. But, it is very exciting to think of all the possible applications of this technology. Many new treatments or cures for different diseases could be discovered. As long as there are proper regulations in place, this technology will be able to help many people! Hopefully they continue to research and discover more on this topic for the future.

  3. It is interesting that 3 blog posts have to do with CRISPR, including my own post, as it shows just how popular it is right now. Being the popular topic that it is, it is interesting to see other ways CRISPR is used in articles that I did not review. What particularly struck me was how they were making use of CRISPR's ability to induce error prone repair to study the effects of the mutations they could create in genes. This contrasts my article, as they were attempting minimize the number of errors, as well as Mr. Summerville's article that introduced a whole new mechanism that resulted in much fewer errors. It is always interesting to see how things that appear to be negatives can actually be used as a positive ability for further discovery. This also might have the potential to serve as a check for when errors are not wanted, as they could perform the error prone pathway prior to their attempt at an error free pathway, and compare to see if something went wrong.

  4. This is a very up and coming field of study in genetics and it seems to come up almost daily in class. one thing that I haven't really heard much about in the articles about it or in classes is how does it regulate itself. What I mean by that is say it accidently codes an adenosine instead of a guanine, does it have a mechanism to go back and fix it like regular eukaryotic transcription does or does it just use regular eukaryotic transcription to fix its mistakes. I can't wait to see ho this field develops. I don't think it will be much longer before we start seeing it in personalized medicine.
