Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Don’t Do Drugs, Do Essential Oils

When is the last time you’ve used drugs? No, not illegal drugs but either prescription or over-the-counter medications to help get rid of your headache, allergies, or other aches and pains. People tend to pop pills to get instant relief, but wouldn’t you want to know exactly was it being put in your body than trusting a plastic label? Well, curiosity got the best of me so I decided to dig a little deeper about home remedies and found that plant essential oils might be the answer to our problems. Essential oils are compounds obtained by distillation or solvent extraction from aromatic plants, herbs, or spices (Diaz-Sanchez et. al 2015). Plant essential oils have recently been a hot topic of debate because they’ve been used since ancient times and are still being reported to provide major health benefits. They are over 3,000 essential oils known today!

          Sandra Diaz-Sanchez, Doris D’Souza, Debrabrata Biswas, and Irene Hanning have put this theory to the test in their recent study “Botanical alternatives to antibiotics for use in organic poultry production.” These scientists investigated the effects of plant extracts on growth and performance of livestock animals since the European Union forbid the use of antibiotics as growth promoters in 2006. This experiment compared synthetic antibiotics with essential oils as feed additives. They found that several essential oils, such as oregano, thyme, clove, cinnamon (yum!) and garlic, have antimicrobial, antioxidant and sensory properties. For example, Capsaicin reduced E. coli and C. perfringens, green tea extract decreased caecal coliform bacteria, and rosemary improved live weight gain and feed intake. I bet you didn’t know that!
          Results show that the essential oils had many growth and health-promoting properties especially in regards to gastrointestinal health. Because microorganisms in the gut were stabilized, nutrients were better utilized and absorbed by digestive enzymes. I saw that some essential oils have a domino effect of benefits including a decrease in microbial toxins, which reduces inflammation and allows for protein production to be devoted solely to growth instead. At the same time, they prevent bacterial pathogens from colonization and promote growth of beneficial bacteria. Some oils are so tasty that they improve growth rate too – how cool is that?
A brief comparison between the essential oils and pharmaceutical drugs.

          You may be asking yourself why is this important and how it relates to your everyday life; according to the U.S. Center of Disease Control and Prevention states that 2.6 billion drugs are ordered or provided annually from physician office visits and that 48.7% of people have used at least one prescription drug in the past 30 days. I mean everyone has heard the commercials or seen the ads in magazines where drug companies are try to promote their drug and then rattle off a list of negative side effects in hopes that you won’t actually listen to them. No one ever seems to think that they or one of their loved ones could die from responsibly taking a drug prescribed by their doctor…until it does. Not to be morbid, but I would rather take my chances and use botanical remedies to cure a simple cold than a cocktail of chemicals.
This is an example of one of the many charts that demonstrate the multiple uses for essential oils in daily life.
          I have to admit, I was a little skeptical of all these health benefits; I mean if they really worked then wouldn’t everyone use them? Plant essential oils and other botanical alternatives is a vast field of discovery and can have many applications in the food, medical, and environmental industries. Even online you can find list of 100 different uses for essential oils ranging from removing unpleasant bathroom odors to relieving nausea. Essential oils have the potential to revolutionize areas in therapy, health and home, beauty, emotion and spirit. If essential oils prove to be more beneficial than synthesized drugs, what does this mean for the future’s pharmaceutical industry? This is where going back to our roots takes on a whole different meaning.


  1. It seems like most of the compounds that are beneficial to our health and exist naturally in plants are synthesized and sold by pharmaceutical companies. If knowledge of essential oil health benefits and food industry benefits are known, why aren't we utilizing them more? Perhaps the European Union's refusal to use antibiotics as growth promoters in 2006 marks the start of a shift from the use of synthesized antibiotics in the food industry back to natural remedies.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. One thing to realize is that essential oil manufactures are a business as well, so they will promote their items to sell them, which includes attempting to steer you away from the pharmaceutical competition. Also, essential oil are not regulated in anyway, hence the disclaimer in the image with the oils. Another thing to consider is the source of this information, as while the article pertaining to chickens is from a trusted source, this does not mean that the benefits will translate into humans. The U.S. already has banned the use of hormones in poultry as well (http://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/food-safety-education/get-answers/food-safety-fact-sheets/food-labeling/meat-and-poultry-labeling-terms/meat-and-poultry-labeling-terms). The source of the chart also seems extremely biased, as the article seems to be an attempt to sell the author's book. The chart itself seems like an uniformed rant about how pharmaceuticals are basically evil. The article's credibility is also questionable, as his only sources seem to be his own works. For theses and many other reasons, essential oils are something to be wary of until solid evidence is presented.

  4. I see where you have hope for essential oils, but the limited data and research leave myself, as Tyler states, a little skeptical. If the benefits are known, you would think that these oils would be stressed more in our diets or remedies. The problem with these oils is that they are not as publicized and advertised as pharmaceutical drugs are, which is why drugs are and probably always will take the forefront in our attempts at curing illnesses. I do agree that the Pharmaceutical industries use too much advertising for their products, since they know they can lure people in to try their drugs. In an article called "Selling Sickness, How Drug Companies are Turning us all into Patients", the author Ray Moynihan discusses how drug companies make so much of their money by 'telling healthy people they're sick.' He argues that pharm companies now make natural processes such as menopause and baldness into medical conditions, and have developed drugs for these. The companies know they can attract the middle class who can afford these prescriptions, so why not keep developing more and more drugs for abnormalities. In this since, I do agree that our society has become too focused on taking drugs to get the quick fix to our health problem, and by doing so we are becoming too dependent on medications. For this reason, essential oils could have a huge potential in our society if more research and facts were obtained about their benefits.

  5. I have been working in a pharmacy for almost 3 years now and I have worked with hundreds of different drugs. But more recently we have been seeing an increased number of patients trying essential oils and natural products. People have also been turning to natural probiotics and oils to better their gastrointestinal health. I find it very interesting that essential oils have so many benefits. Like you said it does make me quite skeptical that there are claims of numerous benefits from the oils yet pharmaceuticals are still the primary choice. I'm sure there will always be a need for pharmaceuticals. There will always be a disease or condition that essential oils cannot treat or cure. But I am very curious to know more about the oils. Maybe as they become more popular to the patients at my pharmacy I will continue to learn the benefits!

  6. I have read a few articles about the oils in green tea having curative affects of cancer. I forget what the exact chemical compound it is, but there have been multiple studies on it and they all have pretty positive findings. I too have heard of many people who have taken capsules with green tea extract as a metabolism booster. I myself have peppermint essential oil which I find greatly clears my sinuses as I have a lot of inflammation on a daily basis. I also find that while this is more psychological than physiological, it greatly decreases my stress levels. So it would also be interesting to link the actual physiological benefits to aromatherapy.

  7. I'm not entirely convinced that these natural products do as much as those who believe in them would have the rest of us believe. Sure, some might alleviate symptoms, and some may even help to treat a disease, it only makes sense seeing as many of the drugs used nowadays were at one point either extracted from, or designed to mimic natural things. I agree that many drugs can be harmful, even if they are trying to help, but as far as I know there has been little actual solid evidence that natural essential oils work any better with fewer effects. I'm sure it has something to do with money, like some others mentioned the drug companies are making a profit by convincing everyone that there is something wrong with them. No one wants to go into essential oil business because there is nowhere near the amount of money involved as there is within the pharmaceutical business. Also, drugs are now made to be fast acting, and I cannot see people giving up the promise of a rapid alleviation of pain for the hope that essential oils might, just maybe, be a bit better for them.

    1. I think a lot of it is placebo effect. Like you said, the business factor is a big one. Its like you see commercials all over that say take biotin for healthy skin and nails. They are pounding it in your head so much, that maybe you just think the oils are working when really they aren't. I think the big business mentality is really working against the medical world in some aspects.

  8. Working at Wegmans i have found a lot of customers who are switching over to more natural remedies to cure any ailment. Recently i have looked into this as i walk through the aisles of our "Nature's Market" and tried different things. I have found that lavender is always quite calming but i am unsure as to why this is. I think that so many organic products that have the same effect as drugs are not advertised so people become very wary about using them. Everyone knows that tylenol helps a headache or that you can take a Halls cough drop for a sore throat. Little people know that will a cough and sore throat you can use raw honey and cinnamon. The drug companies have been in charge of our ways of treating sickness for so long that we seem to forget that there used to be other ways beyond pharmaceuticals.

  9. I can see both the pros and cons in the use of natural products. In the case of essential oils, I agree with the previous comments in that we do have to keep in mind that they too are a business and will say things in order to persuade consumers in buying their product. I am sure they are effective when it comes to certain health issues, but I can't see them being able to treat many of the more serious illnesses. Today, we are definitely facing the problem of antibiotic resistance, with a major cause being overprescribing. I have heard so many people say that they went to the doctor who then prescribed antibiotics without knowing for sure whether or not it was a bacterial infection. I think that for less severe symptoms, essential oils/natural products could be a better alternative. For example, my father's doctor wanted to prescribe him medication for his high cholesterol but instead he decided to take the more natural route by changing his diet, exercising regularly, and taking fish oil supplements.

  10. This is very interesting! I agree that when watching commercials for different types of medications that are being promoted there are so many side effects. I think that our future will start looking back towards essential oils to cure sicknesses. Many people look to herbs nowadays due to the substantial detrimental effects of medications.They are afraid and would rather not take medications. Hence, many people are using more natural ways to increase their health. For example, my mom's physician told her that her cholesterol levels were increasing and recommended that she should take medication for it. My mom said that she would bring her levels down herself by her next visit. My mom ate a lot of oatmeal to help lower her cholesterol. At her next visit, her physician was impressed at her low cholesterol levels and she did not have to take medication for it. It is amazing how natural elements or change in lifestyle can help one become more healthier without having to take medications that have many side effects.

  11. This is very interesting! I agree that when watching commercials for different types of medications that are being promoted there are so many side effects. I think that our future will start looking back towards essential oils to cure sicknesses. Many people look to herbs nowadays due to the substantial detrimental effects of medications.They are afraid and would rather not take medications. Hence, many people are using more natural ways to increase their health. For example, my mom's physician told her that her cholesterol levels were increasing and recommended that she should take medication for it. My mom said that she would bring her levels down herself by her next visit. My mom ate a lot of oatmeal to help lower her cholesterol. At her next visit, her physician was impressed at her low cholesterol levels and she did not have to take medication for it. It is amazing how natural elements or change in lifestyle can help one become more healthier without having to take medications that have many side effects.

  12. In this day and age, with everybody living their busy, hectic lifestyles, most people are just looking for the fastest, most convenient way to relieve symptoms. However, this often means popping a pill that has a whole mix of chemicals that most of us wouldn't even be able to pronounce. I most definitely support the movement of essential oils and finding a more natural way to solving ailments. I admit that this would not work for more serious illnesses, but take for example your everyday headache. Most of us would be tempted to just take an Advil and go on with our day. However, by doing that, we are allowing ourselves to just mask our symptoms while ignoring the real problem our body is trying to tell us about. Maybe that headache was caused by dehydration or a lack of food or sleep. By taking a pill and ignoring the symptoms, we are doing more harm than good. Often times for me headaches are a sign of stress. I have found that taking a bath with lavender essential oil has helped to not only relieve my headaches but also to reduce my stress level, which is better for my overall health. All in all, I think essential oils are worth a try, they can save our body from a lot of unnecessary chemicals, and as Nicole mentioned above, this could also help slow down antibiotic resistance, which is quickly becoming a big problem.

  13. Before I would start believing in all of these great effects the oils are said to have I would want to see a lot more research done and I would want to make sure that there is no possibility of bias in the research. Another thing that would make me nervous is the fact that they have no regulation so who really knows if that is actually what you are getting when you buy it.
